Mr. Dennis W.H. Wong LL.B. (Hons.) (qualified in 1988)
Mr. David K.L. Man (qualified in 1982)
Miss Madeline H.Y. Kam LLB (Monash) LLM (HK) (qualified in 2014)
Miss Perdita Y.F. Ng LL.B. (Hons.) (qualified in 1998)
Ms. Yang Sau Lin (qualified in 1999)
Mr. Gary K.W. Mak LL.B. (qualified in 1979)
Mr. Edward Y.W. Cheung (qualified in 1995)
Our founding principle is to serve always with heart and sincerity, in the best interest of our clients. We firmly believe, providing the best quality of service is the only way to gain client appreciation and recognition.